Monday, June 23

another challenge

from sisterhood of scrap. i really liked their idea. you have to make a layout using a title of your favorite tv show or movie. i picked "without a trace" i love that show! in the pic kimber was running by us at lg's birthday party. my hubby took it and said it would be a good scrap page because we can never keep up with her. i thought to myself, "um...nice thought honey, but duh, no. how would you know what to scrap?" and the only reason i didn't delete it was because i didn't want to hurt his feelings. anyways, i guess i'm eating my words(or thoughts). if your reading this babe, sorry!


Sweet Peripety said...

NEAT! I am trying to do challenges but I have a hard time doing those. It's just to challenging to find the time LOL.

Ken Terry said...

I demand monetary prizes for the publication of my photo.... Make you think DuH!